The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) has just made available the new Tax Investigation Framework 2020. This framework will come into effect from 1st January 2020 and has been uploaded to the official portal of IRBM. The framework can be accessed and downloaded as follows:
I. Visit the Official Portal of IRBM at
II. Click menu Legislation > submenu Tax Investigation Framework >
Tax Investigation Framework 2020
III. Or click here for quick access (English version)
The framework replaces the existing framework dated 15th May 2018 and aims at informing taxpayers about IRBM’s tax investigation procedures.
Simultaneously IRBM has also uploaded details on the Return Form (RF) Filing Programme for 2020 as reference and guidelines for the tax payers to submit their Return Form this year. This document can be accessed and downloaded as follows:
I. Visit the IRBM Official Portal at
II. Click menu Forms > submenu Return Form (RF) Filing Programme For The Year 2020
III. Or click here for quick access. (English version)
For further inquiries regarding Return Form (RF) Filing Programme For The Year 2020, please contact the Hasil Care Line (HCL) at 03-8911 1000 or 603-8911 1100 (overseas).