Life Insurance Industry Continues to Spread Love and Care Amind Pandemic

Business Society

Formed in 1974, the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) is a trade association registered under the Societies Act 1966. LIAM has a total of 16 members, of which 14 are life insurance companies and 2 life reinsurance companies.

LIAM’s objectives are to promote a progressive life insurance industry; to enhance public understanding and appreciation for life insurance; to upgrade the image and professionalism of the life insurance industry and to support the regulatory authorities in developing a strong industry. 

In keeping up with its tradition of giving back to the community, the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) and its 16 member companies continued to spread love and care by contributing donation-in-kind to four children’s homes in the Klang Valley today.

Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic where more people prefer to stay indoors and stop all the outdoor activities, LIAM is taking proactive steps by reaching out to the 150 children age ranging from 2-17 years old from Persatuan Kebajikan Rumah Jalinan Kasih Anak-anak Yatim Miskin, Cheras, Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Raudhatul Al Faeez, Gombak, Lighthouse Children Welfare Home Association, Bangsar and Precious Children Home/Mikhalai School of Destiny, Segambut. 

LIAM President, Ms Loh Guat Lan, LIAM Vice-President, Mr Rangam Bir and LIAM Chief Executive Officer, Mr Mark O’Dell today presented the contribution to representatives from the four homes at LIAM’s premises in Medan Tuanku, Kuala Lumpur. The four homes were represented by Mrs Jacinta Steven, Co-Founder of Lighthouse Children Welfare Home, Bangsar; Puan Nurlela Othman Syafiqah binti Muhammad, Founder of Persatuan Kebajikan Anak-anak Yatim Miskin Rumah Jalinan Kasih, Cheras; Puan Elza Izyan Erieza binti Zahalan, Operations Manager of Rumah Kebajikan Anak-anak Yatim & Asnaf Raudhatul Al Faeez, Gombak; and Ms Mikhalai V Steve, Principal of Mikhalai School Of Destiny, Segambut. 

The homes received RM20,000 worth of household items such as foodstuff, groceries, toiletries, stationaries, face masks, hand sanitizer and personal care & hygiene items. 

“Even though there is no hari raya sumptuous meals prepared for this time around, the children and their caretakers will be presented with special meals through food delivery to their homes. We hope our small gesture will come a long way in bringing smiles to their faces as the children ultimately need constant care and love without boundary,” said Ms Loh.

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic which affects many countries globally including Malaysia has caused the annual tradition of LIAM Hari Raya Gathering with Children to be cancelled indefinitely. 

“We acknowledge the hardship and struggles faced by the children’s homes particularly during this challenging time and we want to play our part as a responsible corporate citizen through this initiative to ensure the welfare of the needy is taken care of,” added Ms. Loh Guat Lan.  

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