EMPOWERING YOU TO TAKE PROACTIVE ACTION FOR BETTER HEALTH AND WELLBEING · DNA Mapping, also known as DNA sequencing or genetic profiling, can provide actionable insights and help individuals identify genetic predispositions to certain diseases and health risks and to take proactive steps towards prevention. · DynaDNA and DynaApp is latest health-tech services enabling Malaysians to get the latest and most accurate information about their health condition.

DNA Mapping, A Revolutionary Medical Breakthrough

Dyna Medical today introduced DynaDNA, the provider of Malaysia’s microarray technology DNA test kits, and Dyna App, a free-to-use digital gateway to improving user’s health and knowledge. The DynaDNA test kit is a fully, made-in-Malaysia DNA test kit. With just a simple saliva sample, over 500 genetic tests can be accurately conducted, producing results for […]

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